July 1, 2023
Florence has been one of my favorite places to visit in Italy. Surprised? Me too. As someone who desires the sweet serenity of crowdless cities, I was prepared to spend as few hours in this multifaceted metropolis as possible. However, my friend, Cameryn and I ventured to the heart of this city on a Sunday in the midst of peak season with practically bare streets.
The walkability of Italian cities makes for a budget traveler’s dream. Though the July heat was less than ideal, outdoor museums and piazzas cured any opportunities for boredom. Shockingly, this famous city is a beautiful place to take relaxing strolls and embrace Italy’s “dolce far niente”.
Where to Stay
We stayed in Saint Ellero, about a 15 minute train ride to Florence, where we were able to relax in a quiet Airbnb.
What to do
For the wine lovers, Florence has a wonderful array of local and unique wines. These wines can be found around the city at buchette del vino or wine windows. We ventured to this wine window/ restaurant as some of them were closed on Sundays and others that have not opened post-pandemic.
Outside of the city center, there are budget-friendly wine tours that allow you to experience the beauty of wine making and rolling Tuscan hills. This is the tour I booked which included 3 local lovely vineyards all featuring attentive hosts.
Florence has a plethora of art to be uncovered. Piazza della Signoria features many outdoor sculptures and a few museums nearby. One of the museums features a small outdoor room filled with exceptional works of art and architecture. The outdoor work is free, though you can explore more of this work in the attached museum for an entry fee.
The Bradini Garden (featured in the photo above) is a wonderful spot to observe the whole city. The entrance fees are waved on Sundays. This garden features wonderful sections of flowers, plants, and history. Some parts of the garden allow for a panoramic view of Florence.